Italian VOGUE Caviglie e ginocchia “da rifare”

Amando.it Ritocchino per caviglie e ginocchia: l’ultimo trend estetico

Modaestyle I difetti estetici piú temuti? Caviglie e ginocchia

Paper Blog difetti estetici piú temuti? Caviglie e ginocchia

Go Salute I difetti estetici piú temuti dalle donne riguardano caviglie e ginocchia

tiscali: lifestyle I difetti estetici piú temuti dalle donne riguardano caviglie e ginocchia

D Benessere 40 anni: l’et’a del ritocchino

IGN Bellezza: l’indagine, corsa al ritocco post-divorzio e a pagare e’ l’ex

TM News Chirurgia estetica, e’ boom di interventi post divorzio: paga l’ex

ASCA Bellezza: e’ boom di “ritocchini” chirurgici post divorzio

Cinque Salute, e’ boom di “ritocchini” chirurgici post divorzio

QN Se la bellezza passa dal girovita Addominoplastica e liposcultura

IL MONDO Chirurgia estetica, boom di interventi post divorzio

Courtney Alexis Stodden Claims Her Boobs Are Real But 4 Plastic Surgeons Say She Has FAKE D-Cup Breasts!l

LaRepubblica LUI E DA RIFARE March 28, 2013

Per Renato Calabria la chirurgia plastica fa rima con etica (Renato Calabria plastic surgery it rhymes with ethics)

Renato Calabria, il chirurgo delle dive (the surgeon of the stars)

Staminali, a che punto e’ la ricerca?

How to Spot a Celeb With New Fake Boobs

Courteney Cox’s New Implants? Did She Get Herself A Separation Gift?

Dr. Renato Calabria, inventor of Stem Cell Face-lift, explains procedure

Health for Man & Woman

Post-Divorce, ‘Vengeance’ Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

The Future of Aesthetics is Here: The Stem Cell Face Lift

Newport Beach Brow Lift Advisement

Hollywood Plastic Surgeon Shares Celebrity Secrets

Dr. Renato Calabria, inventor of Stem Cell Face-lift, explains procedure

Dr. Renato Calabria, inventor of Stem Cell Face-lift, explains procedure

Post-Divorce, ‘Vengeance’ Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

Post-Divorce, ‘Vengeance’ Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

Post-Divorce, ‘Vengeance’ Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

Post-Divorce, ‘Vengeance’ Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

Post-Divorce, ‘Vengeance’ Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

Post-Divorce, ‘Vengeance’ Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

Post-Divorce, ‘Vengeance’ Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

Post-Divorce, ‘Vengeance’ Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise