Vertical Facelift Gallery
Vertical Facelift Gallery
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51 years old Beverly hills patient wishing a more youthful lookProcedures:
Vertical Facelift and Neck lift, Endoscopic Temporal Brow Lift Time for recovery: 2-3 Weeks Time in surgery: 3 hours and 30 minutesSurgeon:
Dr Renato CalabriaComments:
Vertical vector repositioning of facial structures is indispensable to create a natural result. The Vertical Face Lift is performed exclusively by Dr Renato Calabria.Vertical Facelift Patient 02

The History
The patient is a Beverly hills facelift patient who presents with the main complain of “ looking tired”. She is in her fifties.The Procedures
The patient underwent a vertical facelift, cell-enhanced ( stem cell) facial rejuvenation, endoscopic minimally invasive brow lift, V.I.P. tension-free skin closure. Comments: The vertical vector of tissues repositioning creates a much more natural look then the traditional “horizontal” face lift . The cell-enhanced facial rejuvenation seems to improve the texture of the skin itself and the V.I.P. closure decreases the tension on the incisions allowing a better scar.Vertical Facelift Patient 04

The History
49 years old Las Vegas face lift patient presenting with complains of a “tired” look. Being in the skincare industry, it was very important to look refreshed.The Procedures
Endoscopic minimally invasive brow lift, vertical facelift and neck lift.Comment
Notice the more open look of the eyes without any change in the almond shape. Neck and jowls are gone and the cheekbones are emphasized.Option
An upper blepharoplasty would have caused a rounder, smaller eye shape and would have looked unnatural.Vertical Facelift Patient 03

The History
45 years old Los Angeles face lift patient who looks really tired despite her young ageThe Procedures
Vertical facelift and neck liftComment
The trend among Beverly hills facelift patients is for a subtle change. In this case the improved projection of the cheek’s area due to the unique vertical vector of tissue repositioning pis noticeable along with a more sculpted look. The lines of the neck have improved and overall result is a natural facial rejuvenation.Options
Most of patients at her age would have opted for non-invasive alternatives like fillers. In her case, she has already enough volume in her face and fillers would have resulted in a unnatural look.Vertical Facelift Patient 05

The History
76 years old palm spring facelift patient with obvious signs of facial aging and sun damage.The Procedure
Vertical facelift and neck lift, endoscopic brow lift, lower blepharoplasty.Comment
The results are drastic but natural. I older patients it is important to address all the aging structures of the face. Leaving out the neck, for example, would have created a mismatch between the upper and lower part of the face and a unnatural look.Options
Just volume enhancement with fat grafting would have not address the laxity of the skin.Vertical Facelift Patient 06

The History
This Palm Spring face lift patient in her Sixties wishes a younger and fresher lookThe Procedures
Vertical Face Lift and neck lift, endoscopic temporal brow lift, upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, fat grafting to face, tip rhinoplastyComments
Note the volume restoration in the face due to the fat grafting, the absence of the “pulled look”, the rejuvenation around the eyelidVertical Facelift Patient 07

The History
54 years old los angeles face lift wishing a more youthful look (she had previous eyelid surgery 10 years prior).The Procedures
In Los Angeles endoscopic brow lift, vertical facelift and neck lift.Comments:
The volume shift and the vertical vector of tissue repositioning gave her a softer, more youthful look, resembling her younger picture.Vertical Facelift Patient 08

The History
44 years old Beverly Hills facelift patient complaining of looking older that her age and not happy with her heavy cheek area.The Procedure
Mini face lift – short scarComment
The patient looks like she has lost some weight and more rested. The volume has been shifted from the lower part of the face to the upper third creating a more triangular shape which is synonym of youth.Alternatives
Again fillers are out of the question because of her already round face. Other non invasive modalities like thermage, fraxel or other laser procedures would have not been effective in shifting volume but only for tighten the skin. The short scar allows for a quick recovery and less visible option ideal for a younger patient.Vertical Facelift Patient 09

65 years old Russian female with signs of aging. B&A vertical facelift upper blepharoplasty and lower transconjunctival blepharoplasty. Note the volume repositioning, the vertical shift in facial tissues, the volume improvement and overall natural result.
Vertical Facelift Patient 10