Breast Augmentation Gallery
Breast Augmentation Gallery
Back To GalleriesBreast Augmentation Patient 01

Breast Augmentation Patient 02

Breast Augmentation Patient 03

Breast Augmentation Patient 04

Breast Augmentation Patient 05

Breast Augmentation Patient 06

The History:
38 years old female wishing an almost undetectable enlargementThe Goal:
Shape over size to achieve a natural result, also to correct slight asymmetryThe Procedure:
Breast augmentation with periareolar, submuscular placement of 250 cc round, smooth, saline implant.Breast Augmentation Patient 07

Breast Augmentation Patient 08

The History:
Wishing larger breastThe Goal:
CleavageThe Procedure:
Breast augmentation with 350cc saline round implants, periareolar, submuscularBreast Augmentation Patient 09

Breast Augmentation Patient 10