Posted in Facelift Alternatives
With all the surgical and non-surgical procedures available today, looking your best has never been easier. Whether it’s sun damage, aging, or long-standing facial concerns, there is a surgical or non-surgical treatment that can help many achieve the facial appearance they long for.

The following procedures can enhance your facial aesthetics with long-lasting or permanent results.
1. Facelift Surgery
A facelift enhances the beauty of your face by helping to address several signs of aging and exhaustion. A sample study reveals that people believe women are most beautiful around age 30. A facelift that enables you to regain a youthful facial appearance is beneficial for your overall appeal. Dr. Calabria offers several facelift techniques:
- Vertical facelift: Dr. Calabria uses a minimally invasive vertical technique to speed healing and create a more naturally youthful appearance.
- Adjustable facelift: Dr. Calabria performs an adjustable technique that provides enhancement now and makes it possible to undergo an easier and less invasive procedure in the future.
- Stem cell enhanced facelift: Dr. Calabria uses regenerative stem cells to improve facial volume and boost the results of surgical facial rejuvenation.
- Suspenders facelift: Dr. Calabria uses tissue suspenders to bear the tension and reduce scarring for a more natural appearance.
- One-stitch facelift: Dr. Calabria anchors loose skin at the level of the sideburn into the temporal area for a short procedure that requires only local anesthesia and minimal downtime.
- Facelift revision surgery: Sometimes, a facelift procedure fails to provide the desired results, or if time has caused additional facial issues to develop, a facelift revision can be performed to improve the outcome.
Undergoing plastic surgery on your face requires a substantial recovery period but delivers dramatic and long-lasting results.
2. Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can improve the shape and size of the nose. Dr. Calabria can alter the nose for a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance. Nose surgery can correct nasal deformities, injuries, nasal width, bridge angle, tip shape, and a nose you feel is too large or small. This surgery makes it so that your nose improves the look of your face rather than detracting from it.
3. Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty adjusts the upper and lower eyelids to help you look rejuvenated and refreshed. This surgery can eliminate bags under the eyes, wrinkles around the eyes, sagging lids, and many other complaints that make your eyes less attractive. Blepharoplasty provides long-lasting results and can help draw more positive attention to your eyes. In severe cases of upper eyelid drooping, it can even improve vision.
4. Brow Lift
A brow lift can correct forehead wrinkles and sagging brows. Surgically lifting the brows and tightening the forehead tissues restores a smoother and more youthful upper face. This surgery also helps you look more rested, relaxed, and approachable.
5. Facial Implants
Facial implants can enhance facial structure so that the face is more defined. Chin implants, cheek implants, and even jaw implants can permanently improve your facial contours. Improving the facial anatomy with implants can go a long way in enhancing overall facial beauty.
6. Lip Augmentation
Surgical lip augmentation or a lip lift can enhance the shape and fullness of the lips. Through various techniques, the lips can be made to appear larger, smoother, bolder, and more lifted.
7. Laser Skin Resurfacing and Injectable Facial Fillers
The following procedures do not require surgery but offer significant cosmetic facial improvements.
Laser skin resurfacing is a non-surgical treatment that uses advanced technology to rejuvenate the skin. The laser removes and replaces damaged upper layers of skin by heating them and triggering faster, more abundant collagen production for newer, younger skin. The result is a more youthful complexion, softer skin, and the elimination of many signs of aging and skin damage.
Dermal fillers offer younger-looking skin without surgery and the associated downtime. You can rejuvenate your facial appearance with this minimally invasive treatment that reduces or eliminates fine lines, wrinkles, creases, and even volume loss. Dr. Calabria uses the highest quality facial fillers to provide excellent results that are safe and long-lasting.
The surgical procedures listed above can all be combined with a facelift and performed at the same time. The non-surgical treatments can be added after healing from face surgery is complete.
Laser skin resurfacing can correct age spots, pigmentation problems, discoloration, wrinkles, and scars, none of which can be corrected with facial plastic surgery. This makes it an excellent treatment to add to a facelift if you plan to undergo this plastic surgery procedure.
Cosmetic Facial Enhancement in Beverly Hills, California
Dr. Renato Calabria offers these surgeries and many other treatments to enhance facial attractiveness. To learn more, schedule your in-depth consultation with Dr. Calabria by calling 310.777.0069.
Dr. Calabria offers facial surgery and non-surgical cosmetic treatments in Palm Springs as well. If this is a better option for you, call 760.836.0077.
When in Rome, call 39.349.4662323. You can also reach Dr. Calabria by filling out his online contact form now.
If you have cosmetic concerns related to your breasts or body, Dr. Calabria also provides the following services:
Body contouring, including abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) or liposuction
Cosmetic breast surgery, such as breast augmentation, breast lifts, and breast reduction surgery.