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Male Face Lift: A New Trend in Hollywood and the World

Posted in Facelift, Male Facelift, Plastic Surgery for Men

Society is often disposed to mimic what it sees in Hollywood.  The entertainment industry sets many of the new trends we see out there. This has definitely been the case for male face lift with more and more male actors getting face lifts everyday.   Hollywood heartthrobs want to keep the competitive edge of youth that keeps their careers vibrant and thriving.  Since long hours at the gym and good nutrition are not enough after a certain age, they are increasingly seeking surgical intervention.  I would venture to say that the majority of famous actors over fifty have had a face lift.

“Don’t make me look like I’ve had work done” is what I hear most often from my male face lift patients.

I believe this trend in Hollywood is rapidly spreading in the general population as well. Traditionally seen and a privilege of female patients, face lifts are rapidly becoming one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures among men.

The differences between Hollywood and the real world is that actors are getting face lifts much earlier than their real world counterparts.  Surgical intervention at an earlier age reduces the dramatic “before and after” difference so it is easier to conceal the fact that they have had a face lift.

On the other hand, male patients who are in the entertainment industry seem to care a bit less about looking changed.

One thing all males have in common is the desire to look “rugged” with a few wrinkles remaining.  Basically, they want to look healthy and well rested.

Hiding the scars it is also of paramount importance for male patients – and not just in Hollywood.  It’s more of a challenge too, since male patients tend to have much less hair than female patients.  There are loads of examples of bad face lift scars out there, even among the most famous actors. That is the reason I introduced the VIP (tension-free) closure which allows extra support around the incision – dispersing the pull- tension at the anchor points and producing a much more discreet scar.

Avoiding the” done look” is essential and that is the reason the vertical face lift is such a hit among Hollywood celebrities.  The combination of face lift with volume replacement, fat grafting and stem cell enhancement or the cell-enhanced face lift is the most technically advanced face lift available in Hollywood and Beverly Hills.

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