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Are Traditional Neck Lifts Becoming Obsolete?

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The neck is the first noticeble area of facial aging. Current theories attribute the aging to concomitant laxity of the skin and decrease tone of the (Platysma) muscles underneath. The most prominent sign of the aging neck is the formation of the so called “platysma bands”. These bands show up as visible cords in the neck. Current treatment strategies aim to surgically tighten the skin and the muscles with a so called “neck lift”. This could be invasive and it requires anesthesia and downtime.

There is now brand new evidence that the plastysma bands or cords which are a mayor part of the aging neck are not caused by decrease in tone of the neck muscles but due to muscular activity of the aging neck.

A new study proved beyond reasonable doubt this theory. The French study looked at 25 patients with hemi-paralysis ( one side) of the face and neck and they follow the patients for ten years. The paralyzed site showed no evidence of platysma bands and aging neck, vs the normal site where they were present.

Since the cause of the aging neck and the bands is the activity of the muscles and not the laxity of the skin and the decreased tone of the muscles, the traditional surgical approach (neck lift) does not seem to be the solution of the problem.

A less invasive chemical denervation of the platysma muscles with simple injections of Botox in the cords make much more sense since acts on the cause of the problem which is muscle activity.

It is my believe that this simple non invasive procedure will become the gold standard for neck rejuvenation and surgical rejuvenation will play a secondary role. If you have any questions or would like to learn more please contact me at my Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery office at (310) 777-0069

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